The Surf Riders of Hawaii by A. R. Gurrey Jr.

We have verified two different versions of the approximately twelve (12) known copies that Mr. Gurrey hand made circa 1911-1915. The two known versions of the book are comprised of 6 leaves (7-1/4 in. X 7in.; 184 X 177 mm) of heavy wove paper, different in each version. With 8 mounted gelatin-silver photographs of Waikiki surfers. The pages are stab sewn into stiff mottled wrappers with a decorative cord as the binding agent. The cover has either a printed label glued on or a printed title. Inside the book there is three printed pages of text. What varies are the images, paper stock and cord as you will note in the two version below. 
Notes: Click on images to view as a slideshow
_ The approximate dates of publication have been verified by 2 Gray versions of the book, one is listed in the Preliminary Catalogue of Hawaiiana in the Library of George R. Carter: Honolulu: August 1915: p. 166 "Surf-Riders of Hawaii" Photographs. Copyrighted by A. R. Gurrey. (1914?)" This book was donated to the Mission House Museum in Honolulu in 1916 and is part of their collection. The other was purchased by the Spanish Counsel Ignacio de Arana, who arrived in Honolulu in September, 1911 and left in 1912. The book can be seen in the exhibit SURF X 100 1912-2012, at the Maritime Museum of Bilbao, Spain. In 1914 a young Engineer from Montana bought a Taupe Version of the book on his Honeymoon, this book is now in a private collection. 
_ Both Version of the book have 8 images, that are varied by book edition.
_ Gray Version photos have copyright signature. Many of the Gurrey photos that where sold out of the shop had a copyright stamp, with 2 know version. He also used a copyright ink stamp on the back of some images.
_ Gray version's cover is the same size as interior pages, while Taupe version has a larger cover. Note in images below. 
_ 1915 St. Nicholas article, 10 photos and the same text. One photo does not appear in the books.

Taupe Version (1914) of The Surf Riders of Hawaii

The Cover (left) Printed title glued on heavy stock, with a blank back cover. 
Page 1: Cover text with "Photographs and Contents Copyrighted by A. R. Gurrey, Jr. Honolulu, T. H." 

Page 2: A selection from the poem "Childe Harold" by Lord Byron.
Note: Lower left "Copyright A. R. Gurrey Jr." but no date
Page 3: Glued in hand printed photo.

Page 4: Text on surf riding by A. R. Gurrey Jr. 
Note: Below outline "Bulletin Pub. Co. LTD." 
Page 5: 2 glued in photos.

Page 6: Blank. Note: cord binding.
Page 7: 2 glued in photos.

Pages 8: Blank.
Page 9: 2 glued in photos. 
The lower image is of Duke Poa Kahanamoku with young Marston Campbell on his shoulders, Bishop Museum notes this as Charlie Little.

Page 10: Blank.
Page 11: Photo of Duke Poa Kahanamoku.
Page 12: Blank.

Gray Version (1911-1912) of The Surf Riders of Hawaii

The Cover: (left) Title printed on decorative cover stock, 
with a blank back cover. 
Page 1: (Right) Cover text with "Photographs and Contents Copyrighted by A. R. Gurrey, Jr. Honolulu, T. H."

Page 2: A selection from the poem "Childe Harold" by Lord Byron, on a lighter decrotive colored paper stock.
Note: Lower left "Copyright A. R. Gurrey Jr." no date
Page 3: Glued in hand printed photo as in the Taupe Version, same lighter paper stock.

Page 4: Text on surf riding by A. R. Gurrey Jr. on cover stock. 
Note: No mention of "Bulletin Pub. Co. LTD." 
Page 5: Glued in photo of Duke Kahanamoku on cover stock.

Page 6: Glued in photo of Duke Kahanamoku with Marston Campbell or Charlie Little on his shoulders. Lighter stock both pages.
Page 7: Glued in photo.

Pages 8: Glued in photo, same as on page 4 in Taupe Version, cover stock on both pages.
Page 9: Duke Kahanamoku photo glued in.

Page 10: Glued in photo same as on page 4 in Taupe Version, lighter stock on both pages.
Page 11: Headstand photo believed to be of Duke.
Page 12: Blank.

1915 St. Nicholas article "The Surf Riders of Hawaii"
Lord Byron poem and surfing text with 10 photos. 
The photo on top is the only one that does not appear in the books.